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A Transnational Policy for Conflict Reduction and Prevention in the South Caucasus

Robert M. Cutler

This article examines conflicts in the South Caucasus with a view towards means for their interdependent resolution. It reviews the situations in Georgia: Abkhazia, Ajaria, Javakhetia, and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia), and juxtaposes to them the situation in Mountainous Karabagh, identifying complicating factors. On that basis, and focusing on the potential for nongovernmental actors to create potential transgovernmental and transsocietal socio-political coalitions, a policy initiative for the South Caucasus is described. Specifically, possibilities are considered for moving towards an institution such as a transnational Assembly for Regions and Peoples of the South Caucasus. Issues of institutional design are considered and assessed on the basis of existing comparative work on international parliamentary formations.

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  1. Ethnic Disputes and Conflict Resolution
    • Abkhazia
    • Ajaria
    • Javakhetia
    • Tskhinvali (South Ossetia)
  2. Analysis
    • Inspection of the Four Cases
    • Table 1. Abkhazia, Ajaria, Javakhetia, and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia).
    • The Karabagh Case
    • A First Attempt at Comprehensive Settlement
  3. Towards the Parliamentarization of Transnational Conflict
    • Applied Theory as the Basis for a Real Solution
    • Transnational Parliamentarization in Practice
    • Next Steps
  4. Conclusion and Prospect
  5. Bibliography
Suggested citation for this webpage:

Robert M. Cutler, “Transnational Policies for Conflict Reduction and Prevention in the South Caucasus[:  Abstract],” Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2, nos. 3–4 (December 2003): 615–633, reprinted at pp. 301–319 in Central Eurasia in Global Politics: Conflict, Security, and Development, ed. M.P. Amineh and H. Houweling (Boston–Leiden: Brill, 2004), available at <http://www.robertcutler.org/ar03pgd.htm>, accessed 22 February 2025.

[ page 615 ]

A Transnational Policy for Conflict Reduction and Prevention in the South Caucasus

Robert M. Cutler

This article examines conflicts in the South Caucasus with a view towards means for their interdependent resolution. It begins by reviewing briefly in succession situations in Georgia: Abkhazia, Ajaria, Javakhetia, and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia). A comparative qualitative analysis then follows that is heuristic rather than definitive. The situation in Mountainous Karabagh is juxtaposed to this, and complicating factors are identified. On that basis, a policy initiative for the South Caucasus is described, building upon the extensive considerations previously elaborated in a report by the Centre for European Policy Studies. A focus on nongovernmental actors in particular leads to reflections how to create potential transgovernmental and transsocietal socio-political coalitions for conflict reduction and prevention. Specifically, possibilities are considered for moving towards an institution such as a transnational Assembly for Regions and Peoples of the South Caucasus. Issues of institutional design are considered and assessed on the basis of existing comparative work on international parliamentary formations.

Dr. Robert M. Cutlerwebsiteemail ] was educated at MIT and The University of Michigan, where he earned a Ph.D. in Political Science, and has specialized and consulted in the international affairs of Europe, Russia, and Eurasia since the late 1970s. He has held research and teaching positions at major universities in the United States, Canada, France, Switzerland, and Russia, and contributed to leading policy reviews and academic journals as well as the print and electronic mass media in three languages.

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Text: Copyright © Robert M. Cutler
First Web-published: 18 April 2006
Content last modified: 18 April 2006
For individual, non-commerical use only.
This Web-based compilation: Copyright © Robert M. Cutler
See reprint info if you want to reproduce anything in any medium.
This document address (URL): http://www.robertcutler.org/ar03pgd.htm
Format last tweaked: 23 October 2014
You accessed this page: 22 February 2025