Publications: Principal Research Publications
Robert M. Cutler
- This page includes refereed journal
articles, books chapters and
encyclopedia articles; edited books and invited contributions to edited
books; policy research synopses and working papers; and published speeches
and research correspondence.
- It lists
all items together in
reverse chronological order in order to facilitate reference. If you would
like to see a list differentiated by genre of publication, please look at
the Publications section of the full academic curriculum
vitae in PDF (305Kb) or HTML.
- For any of the
newest journal articles and book
chapters that may not yet included here, see the What’s New page.
In press / Forthcoming
- Why Soviet Foreign Policy Failed: What Complexity Science Tells Us That
Nothing Else Can
- Litchfield Park, Ariz.: Emergent Publications, forthcoming.
- Бакунин
No. 49 (2010,
No.2), 115–124.
- English
original: [PDF, 225Kb]
Bakunin and the
Psychobiographers: The
Anarchist as Mythical and Historical Object.
- Azerbaijan’s Place in Euro-Caspian Energy Security
- Azerbaijan Focus (in press). Revised and expanded
version forthcoming in South Caucasus 2021 (Baku, 2010).
- Russia’s Emerging Place in the
Eurasian Hydrocarbon Energy Complex
- Pages 71–100 in The Globalization of
Energy: China and the European Union, edited by M. Parvizi Amineh
and Yang Guang (Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2010).
- Recent Developments in the
Structuration of the Central Asian Hydrocarbon Energy Complex
- Pages 61–82 in
Asian Energy and Security Challenges, edited by Christopher Len and
Alvin Chew (Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy,
- Development of the European
Neighbourhood Program in the South Caucasus: An Instance of Incipient
Organizational Learning
- Global Europe Papers 2008/4 (Department of European Studies, University
of Bath). 12 pp.
- U.S.–Russian Strategic-Military Relations in Central Asia
- Perspectives on Global Development and
Technology 6, no. 1–3 (2007): 109–125.
- Recent Developments
Cooperative Energy Security
- Oil, Gas and Energy Law 5,
no. 4 (November 2007).
- Bakunin, Mikhail
- The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief, edited by Thomas Flynn
(Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2007), pp. 103–04.
- The Paradox of
Intentional Emergent Coherence: Organization and Decision in a Complex
- Journal of the
Washington Academy of Sciences 91, no 4 (Winter 2006): 9–27.
The OSCE’s Parliamentary
Diplomacy in Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Comparative Perspective [PDF, 167Kb]- Studia Diplomatica
59, no. 2 (2006): 79–93.
- Current
Problems of Global Energy Security in Light of the Caspian Sea
Region's Recent Experience [PDF
, 142KB] - Oil, Gas
and Energy Law 4, no. 1 (May 2006).
- De-authoritarization in Uzbekistan?: Analysis and
- Pages
120–141 in Towards Social Stability and Democratic Governance in
Central Eurasia: Challenges to Regional Security, edited by Irina
Morozova, NATO Science Series 49 (Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2005).
- The Sources and Regions of Crisis in the Caucasus
- Pages
105–126 in Examination of the Regions of Crisis from the Perspectives of Turkey, NATO and
the European Union, and Their Impacts on the Security of Turkey, edited by N.Reşun
Ödün (Ankara: Turkish General Staff Printing House, 2004).
Turkish translation:
192Kb] Kafkasya’daki Kriz
Kaynakları ve Bölgeleri, pages 105–126 in N. Reşat
Ödün (ed.), Türkiye, Nato ve Avrupa Birliği Perspektifinden Kriz
Bölgelerinin İncelenmesi ve Türkiye’nin Güvenliğine Etkileri
(Ankara: Genelkurmay Basim Evi, 2004).
- Central Asia and the West after September 11
- Pages 219–231 in NATO and the European Union: New World,
New Europe, New Threats, edited by Hall Gardner (London: Ashgate, 2004).
- Transnational Policies for Conflict Reduction
and Prevention in the South Caucasus
- Perspectives
on Global Development and Technology 2, nos. 3–4 (December 2003):
615–633. Reprinted at pages 301–319 in Central Eurasia in
Global Politics: Conflict, Security, and Development, edited by Mehdi P. Amineh and Hank Houweling
(Boston–Leiden: Brill, 2004).
- The European
Parliament and the EU’s Security and Defence
- European Security 12, no. 2 (Summer 2003):
1–20. Principal co-author.
- The Caspian
Energy Conundrum
- Journal of International Affairs
56, no. 2 (Spring 2003): 89–102.
- Complexity Science
and Knowledge-Creation in International
Relations Theory
- In Institutional and Infrastructural Resources, in
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (Oxford: EOLSS Publishers
for UNESCO, 2002).
- The
Sources of Kazakhstani Foreign Conduct
- Pages 63–76 in Populations, Cultures and
Diplomacy, edited by Michael Gervers and Wayne Schlepp, Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia no. 5
(Toronto: University of Toronto, Joint Centre for Asia and Pacific Studies, 2001).
- Self-Determination
Issues in Central Eurasia
- Foreign Policy in
Focus, Special Report 18 (May 2002): 1–6.
Also available in PDF
format (81KB).
- Turkey and
the Geopolitics of Turkmenistan's Natural
- Review of
International Affairs 1, no. 2
(Winter 2001): 20–33.
- The
Emergence of
International Parliamentary Institutions: New Networks of Influence in
World Society
- Pages 201–22 in
Who Is Afraid of the State? Canada in a World
of Multiple Centres of Power, edited by Gordon S. Smith and Daniel Wolfish (Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 2001). Version
française publiée par les Presses de
l'Université de Montréal.
- Policy Options for Resolving Post-Soviet Ethnic
- Central Asian
Survey 19, no. 3–4 (September/December 2000):
- Cooperative
Energy Security in the Caspian Region: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Development?
- Global Governance
5, no. 2 (April–June 1999): 251–271.
- The Complex Evolution of International Systems and
the Nature of the Current International Transition
- InterJournal: Complex Systems, No. 255
(1999). Reprinted at pages 515–522 in Unifying Themes in Complex
Systems, vol. 2, edited by Yaneer Bar-Yam and Ali Minai (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 2004).
- Gorbachev as CEO Roadkill: Lessons for the Modern
Corporation for the Soviet Foreign Policy Establishment's Failure to Manage
- Pages 352–370 in Managing
Complexity in Organizations: A View in Many Directions, edited by Michael R. Lissack and Hugh P.
Gunz (New York: Quorum, 1999).
- Казахстан
, 662KB] - Энергия
2, No. 7
(декабрь 1999):
- Housing
the Orphans of European Security: How to Bring Belarus,
Ukraine, and Moldova in from the Cold
- Euro–Atlantic Forum
1, no. 2 (Spring 1998).
- U.S. Interests and “Cooperative
Security” in Abkhazia and Karabakh: Engagement versus
- Pages 132–144 in
Caucasus: War and Peace; The New World Disorder and Caucasia, edited by Mehmet Tütüncü (Haarlem: SOTA, 1998).
- A Strategy for
Cooperative Energy Security
- Caspian Crossroads 3, no. 1 (Summer 1997): 23–29.
- Towards Cooperative Energy Security in the South
- Caucasian
Regional Studies 1, no. 1 (1996): 71–81. На русском
языке – О совместной
безопасности в Южном
исследование 1, no. 1 (1996): 69–80.
- Bringing the National Interest Back In: Lessons for Neorealism from the Former Soviet
- Cosmos:
The Hellenic Yearbook of International Relations
1 (1995): 61–89. Reprinted in S. Brown, R.M. Cutler,
M. Evangelista, R. Gilpin,
J.D. Grieco, P. Ifestos, S.D. Krasner and A. Platias, International Relations Theory at a
Crossroads (New York: Caratzas, 1996).
- The Contribution of the European Union, Its Institutions, and Its
Members to Co-operative Security for the Soviet Successor States
- Federalism and Subsidiarity in External
Relations, edited by European Commission (Brussels: European Community
Studies Association, 1994).
- An Unpublished Source on
Bakunin in 1861:
The Diary of F.P. Koe
- Canadian Slavonic Studies
35, nos. 1–2 (March–June 1993): 121–130.
- The Basic Bakunin: Writings, 1869–1871
- Great Books in
Philosophy Series (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1992). Editor, translator and author of Introduction. This
books is a reprint of Mikhail Bakunin: From Out of the Dustbin – Bakunin’s
Basic Writings, 1869–1871 (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis Publishers, 1985). Excerpts
also reprinted at pp. 86–87, 95–96, 220–224, in Anarchism: A Documentary History
of Libertarian Ideas, vol. 1, From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE to 1939),
edited by Robert Graham (Montreal–New York–London Black Rose Books,
- International Relations Theory and Soviet Conduct Toward the
Multilateral Global-Economic Institutions: GATT, IMF and the World
- Pages 105–135 in
The USSR and the World Economy, edited by Deborah A. Palmieri (New York:
Praeger, 1992).
- [Russian Imperial and] Soviet Policy toward Greece and Turkey: A
[Comparative International] Systems Perspective
- Pages
183–206 in The Greek–Turkish Conflict in the 1990s, edited by Dimitri C. Constas (London:
Macmillan, 1991).
- Les mutations soviétiques:
et politiques occidentales
- Études
internationales 21, no. 1 (March 1990): 153–164.
- La politique étrangère soviétique à
l’aube des années 90
- (Quebec City: Centre
québécois de relations
1990). Editor.
- L’environnement diplomatique multilatérale et la « nouvelle pensée
politique » de Gorbatchev
- Pages 9–24 in La
politique étrangère soviétique à l’aube des années 90, edited by Robert
M. Cutler (Quebec City: Centre québécois de relations internationales, 1990).
- La « doctrine Reagan » et la guerre afghane
- Pages 71–84 in La
politique étrangère américaine de 1988 à 1988 (Quebec City: Centre
québécois de relations internationales, 1989).
- An Unpublished Letter from M.A. Bakunin to R. Solger
- International Review of Social
History 33, no. 2 (1988): 212–217.
- The Political Economy of East–South Military
- International Studies Quarterly
31, no. 3 (September 1987): 273–299. Principal co-author.
- Harmonizing EEC–CMEA
Relations: Never the Twain Shall
- International Affairs
(London) 63, no.2 (Spring 1987): 259–270. Reprinted at pages 365–381 in
The Politics of
International Organizations, edited by Paul F. Diehl (Chicago: Dorsey, 1989).
- [The Russian Empire,] The Soviet
Union and World Order
- Pages 76–100 in
Global Peace and Security, edited by Wolfram F.
Hanrieder (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1987).
- Domestic and Foreign Influences on Policy Making:
The Soviet Union in the 1974 Cyprus Conflict
- Soviet
Studies 37, no. 1 (January 1985): 60–89.
- Economic Issues in
East–South Relations
- Problems of Communism
33, no. 4 (July–August 1984): 73–80.
- East–South Relations at
Global Political Economy and the CMEA
- International
37, no. 1 (Winter 1983): 121–142.
- Current Trends in Soviet Research on Western Europe
- European Studies
Newsletter 13, no. 3 (December 1983): 10–12.
- The
Formation of Soviet Foreign Policy:
Organizational and Cognitive Perspectives
- World Politics
34, no. 3 (April 1982): 418–436.
- Unifying Cognitive-Map and Operational-Code
Approaches: A Theoretical Framework and an Empirical
- Pages 91–121 in Cognitive
Dynamics and International Politics, edited by Christer Jönsson (London:
Frances Pinter, 1982).
- Decision Making and International Relations: The
Cybernetic Theory Reconsidered
- Michigan Journal
of Political Science 1, no. 2 (Fall 1981): 57–63.
- East-South Economic Relations
- Transnational Perspectives
8, no. 2 (Summer 1981): 14–16.
- Soviet
Dissent under Khrushchev: An Analytical Study
- Comparative Politics
13, no. 1 (October 1980): 15–35.
- The View from the Urals: West European Integration
in Soviet Perspective and Policy
- Pages 80–109
in Western Europe’s Global Reach, edited by Werner J. Feld (New York: Pergamon,
- Trade, Aid, and International Relations
- Pages 479–510 in Paul E. Lydolph, Geography of the USSR: Topical
Analysis (Elkhart Lake, Wisc.: Misty Valley Publishing, 1979). Co-author.
Dr. Robert M. Cutler [ website — email ] was educated at MIT and The University of Michigan, where he earned a Ph.D. in Political Science, and has specialized and consulted in the international affairs of Europe, Russia, and Eurasia since the late 1970s. He has held research and teaching positions at major universities in the United States, Canada, France, Switzerland, and Russia, and contributed to leading policy reviews and academic journals as well as the print and electronic mass media in three languages.
Text: Copyright © Robert M. Cutler
Web-published: 10 December
last modified: 18 August 2010
For individual, non-commerical use only.
This Web-based compilation: Copyright © Robert M. Cutler
See reprint info
if you want to reproduce anything in any medium.
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