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Reprint and Copyright Rules
for Materials on www.RobertCutler.org

Copyright ownership of each Web page is typically indicated on the Web page itself. (Note: Asia Times Online [atimes.com] claims copyright to the content of blog entries first published on its website.) For those items of which the author owns the copyright, the following rules apply. For items for which the author does not own the copyright, you must contact the copyright owner.

Non-profit organizations may reprint up to five items from this website on paper or other printed medium without permission, on condition that the URL (http address) for each Web page is included with the paper reprint.

Profit-making organizations (including those with net losses) may reprint up to two items from this website on paper or other printed medium without permission, on condition that the URL (http address) for each Web page is included with the paper reprint.

An "item" is a Web page (HTML file with embedded graphics).

The above rules apply also to reproduction on data storage media such as CDs, floppies, DVDs, and so on, so long as the content is not made accessible over a computer network.

Reprints involving larger numbers of Web pages require explicit permission from the copyright holder. Where this is the author, that involves a license fee of US$250 per item.

Do not reproduce material from this site on the Web itself. Instead, link to the URL (http address) of original Web page on this site. That Web address will never change. Contact the copyright holder for conditions if you insist on making an exception. You do not require permission to link to this site.

Quotations from the material on this site fall under the "fair use" provision and do not require permission. You are requested to include the URL (http address) of the cited item on this site, so that your interested readers may refer to it for the original context.

All items appear on this site in the language(s) of original publication, except as noted.

For items for which the author owns the copyright, translations into other languages are allowed only by payment of a US$250 licensing fee per article and subject to the above conditions. For other items, you must contact the copyright owner.

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First Web-published: 20 July 2007
Content last modified: 21 December 2009
For individual, non-commerical use only.
This Web-based compilation: Copyright © Robert M. Cutler
See reprint info if you want to reproduce anything in any medium.
This document address (URL): http://www.robertcutler.org/reprints.htm
Format last tweaked: 23 October 2014
You accessed this page: 25 March 2025