Consulting Skills Inventory
Evaluation and Instruction
See also:
Contributing Analyst, 1999–Present:
International Relations and Security Network, 2007–Present; Asia Times
Online, 2003–Present; Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst,
1999–Present; FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, 1998–2001.
- Published evaluations of current
international situations focusing on energy development in Central Eurasia but also
including ethnic conflict as well as Asian finance.
- Analyzed effects of international economic crisis, focusing on
Asia, since 2007.
Member, Editorial Boards,
1998–Present: Journal of Central Asia and the Caucasus,
2005–Present; Electronic Journal of World Politics, 2000–Present;
Oil, Gas and Energy Law, 2004–2008; Central Eurasian Studies
Review, 2002–2007 (founding editor of flagship “Perspectives”);
Cahiers d'études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde
turco-iranien, 1998–2005.
- Organized evaluations of submitted articles, and evaluated
- Planned editorial policy
directly or in concert with editorial team.
Member, Executive Board, Central Eurasian Studies
Society, 2002–2005.
- Key team
member guiding organizational takeoff of a new international interdisciplinary
scholarly organization with membership doubling every year from 2001 to 2005.
- As Chair of Institutional Linkages Committee
formulated and implemented strategies developing cooperation with
professional and media organizations.
- As Member of
Publications Committee, solicited, evaluated, edited articles for the
flag-ship “Perspectives” section of the flagship Central Eurasian
Studies Review.
Research Fellow, Institute of European, Russian
and Eurasian Studies, Carleton University, 1996–Present.
- Served as general resource person in
fields of specialization.
- Evaluated
student theses, lectured on special subjects on request,
mentored research assistants.
- Networked with foreign institutions, enhancing visibility of
Institute and University.
Consultant to the Special Assistant to the
President, [a major international oil and gas exploration and development company],
- Evaluated
client’s proprietary information concerning financial and organizational
- Applied specialized
knowledge of geopolitical and economic risks including cultural issues and
leadership psychology.
Consultant, Caucasus Working Group, Centre for
European Policy Studies, 2000–2002.
- Brainstormed ideas for insuring stability, security, and
development in the Caucasus.
- Evaluated
potentials of existing international institutions to implement regional
security, as well as the feasibility of establishing new transnational
regional institutions.
- Made
recommendations concerning all these matters adopted in full
by the Rapporteur of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and
Industrial Development.
Consulting Analyst, FSU Oil and Gas
Monitor, Newsbase Ltd., 1998–2001.
- Wrote analyses on Eurasian energy security, combining media
analysis, geopolitics, project analysis, leadership psychology, interviews.
- Produced over 80,000 words in twice-monthly
analyses in two and half years.
University Professor, Department of Political
Science: Laval University, 1988–1996; University of California at Santa
Barbara, 1985–1988; and University of Arizona, 1984–1985.
- Mentored students, advised and
supervised their research, including theses.
- Taught and graded a total of 14 different subjects in
international relations, comparative politics, and political philosophy, at all
levels from introductory undergraduate to graduate research seminar, for a
total of 46 semester-courses.
Text: Copyright © Robert M. Cutler
First web-published: 01 July 2009
Content last modified: 01 July 2009
For individual, non-commerical use only.
This Web-based compilation: Copyright © Robert M. Cutler
See reprint info
if you want to reproduce anything in any medium.
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Format last tweaked: 23 October 2014
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