Dr. Robert M. Cutler

1. Current Appointment

Research Fellow, Institute of European and Russian Studies, Carleton University, Canada, 1998– Present; Institute of Central/East European and Russian-Area Studies, 1996–1998.

Postal address: c/o Station “H”, Box 518, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2L5, Canada.

Tel.: (+1 514) 939−2769 Fax: (+1 514) 932−4457

Email: rmc@alum.mit.edu Website: http://www.robertcutler.org

Note: Policy consulting résumé as Energy Security Specialist is available at:

2. Education and Training

Columbia University: Mellon Post-doctoral Fellow, The Harriman Institute, 1983–1984.

Moscow University: IREX Post-doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Contemporary History, 1982–1983.

University of Michigan: Ph.D., Political Science, 1982.

University of Geneva: Gallatin Fellow, Graduate Institute of International Studies, 1979–1980.

Pennsylvania State University: M.A., Political Science, 1976.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Sc.B., Political Science; and Sc.B., History, 1974.

3. Chronology of Appointments

3.1. Principal Appointments

Carleton University: Research Fellow, Institute of European and Russian Studies, 1998–Present; Institute of Central/East European and Russian-Area Studies, 1996–1998.

Université Laval: Professeur adjoint, 1988–1996.

University of California at Santa Barbara: Visiting Assistant Professor, 1985–1988.

University of Arizona: Visiting Assistant Professor, 1984–1985.

3.2. Other Teaching Appointment

Webster University at Geneva: Visiting Professor, Summer 1983.

3.3. Other Research Appointments

Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence, Boston, 2000–Present.

External Collaborator, CEPS Task Force for the Caucasus, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, 2000–2002.

Visiting Scholar, Institute on East Central Europe, Columbia University, 1993–1994.

Visiting Scholar, The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 1991–1993.

Member, East–South Project, Department of Government and Political Science, University of Maryland, College Park, 1989–1991.

Research Associate, Centre québécois de relations internationales, Université Laval, 1988–1996.

Research Associate, Slavic Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 1987.

Research Associate, Center for International and Strategic Affairs, University of California, Los Angeles, 1986–1987.

Research Associate, Summer Research Laboratory, Russian and East European Center, Universi­ty of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Summers 1981, 1986, 1987.

4. Teaching Experience

4.1 University Courses Taught

4.1.1. International Relations

Introduction to International Relations / Theories of International Relations. Three graduate courses and one undergraduate course. Taught in French in Canada.

Seminar in International Relations / Readings in International Relations. Five under­graduate courses: International Political Economy; Transnational Public Policy; Interna­tional Organization. Taught in French in Canada and in English in the United States.

Foreign Policies of the Newly Independent States / Soviet Foreign Policy. Four graduate courses and nine undergraduate courses. Taught in French in Canada and in English in the United States.

Dimensions of European Security. One graduate course.

4.1.2. Comparative Politics

Introduction to Comparative Politics / Pro-Seminar in Comparative Politics. Two graduate courses and one undergraduate course.

Politics of the Newly Independent States / Soviet Political System. Three graduate courses and ten undergraduate courses. Taught in French in Canada and in English in the United States.

Comparative Communist Systems and Transitions. Two undergraduate courses.

4.1.3. Political Philosophy

History of European Socialism. One undergraduate course.

Seminar in Political Philosophy. One undergraduate course.

4.2. Theses and Graduate Degree Essays Supervised and Evaluated

4.2.1. Carleton University

Examiner, M.A. Essay Defence Jury, Institute of European and Russian Studies
Emil Torosyan, “Energy Factor in Russian Foreign Policy Making, 2000–2005,” Autumn 2005.

Examiner, M.A. Essay Defence Jury, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Helgi Maki, “The Legal Status of the Caspian Sea,” Autumn 2000.

4.2.2. Russian Academy of Sciences

Evaluator, Doctor of Sciences Defence Jury, Institute of Philosophy
P.V. Glazkov, “Filosofiia svobody M.A. Bakunina” [The Philosophy of Freedom of M.A. Bakunin]), Spring 2005.

4.2.3. Université Laval

Directeur de recherche, Mémoire pour M.A., Département de Science politique
Eric-Jan Zubrzycki, “La genèse de Solidarité: Tensions et déchirements au sein du KOR, 1976–1981,” 1990–1991.
Yves Goulet, “L’adaptation politique: Une ’tude de cas de la politique étrangère soviétique dans le Golfe persique durant la Guerre Iran-Irak, 1980–1988,” 1990– 1991.
Martin Bourgeois, “La crise afghane: Une analyse de la transformation du comportement ‘adaptif’ de l’État soviétique à partir de son invasion jusqu'au retrait de ses forces militaires du territoire de l'Afghanistan,” 1988–1989 (Essai de recherche pour M.A.).

Membre de Jury, Mémoire pour M.A., Département de Science politique
Robert Duguay, “L’analyse de l’OACI en tant qu'organisation internationale,” Winter 1991.
Marie-Laurence Poirel, “À propos de la postérité arendtienne dans l'appréhension du phénomène soviétique: Réflexion préliminaire sur le concept d'Homo Sovieticus,” Autumn 1989.

4.2.4. University of California at Santa Barbara

Thesis Advisor, Senior Honor's Thesis, Department of Political Science
Colin Stevens, “The Kádár Era: Reform and Legitimacy in Hungary, 1956–1988,” 1987– 1988.
James T. Alexander, “The Formation of the 1977 Soviet Constitution,” 1985–1986.

4.3. Still Further Teaching Experience

Graduate student teaching assistant (undergraduate courses in international relations, comparative politics and political philosophy), University of Michigan 1977–1979, 1980–1981; and Pennsylvania State University, 1974–1976.

High school instructor, private secondary schools in Massachusetts, Spring 1974, and Pennsylvania, Autumn 1974.

Tutor in community program while undergraduate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972–73.

5. Research Accomplishments

5.1. Research Awards

Research Development Initiative Grant, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2000–2002.

Research Grant, “Multiple Centres of Power” Team, Project on Trends, Social Science and Hu­manities Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1998–2001.

Professional Partnerships Grant, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, for Insti­tute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, Lithuania, Au­tumn 1997.

Co-principal Investigator, Research and Development Grant, Social Science Research Council, New York, 1994–1996.

Alan and Tudy McLaine Fellow, Program for East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union, International House, Columbia University, 1993–1994.

Research Grant, Co-operative Security Program, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada, 1993–1994. (Declined.)

Postdoctoral Grant in Central Asian Studies, Social Science Research Council, New York, Sum­mer 1993.

Standard Research Grant, Social Science and Humanities Research Council, 1991–1994.

Research Grant, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada, 1989–1991.

Grant Award, Seminar on Soviet–American Relations, Institute for Global Cooperation and Con­flict, University of California at San Diego, Summer 1986.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Russian and Soviet Studies, SSRC–ACLS Joint Committee on Soviet Studies, New York, 1985–1988.

Research Fellow, University Scientific Council, University of Nantes, France, 1984–1985.

Supported Independent Scholar, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Illinois at Champaign–Urbana, Fall 1984. (Declined.)

5.2. Pre-doctoral Training Awards

Dissertation Grant, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, The University of Michigan, Winter 1982.

National Resource Fellowship, Center for Russian and East European Studies, The University of Michigan, 1981–1982.

Graduate Student Travel Grant, First Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, Winter 1979.

University Fellowship, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, The University of Michigan, 1976–1977.

Graduate Grant-in-Aid, The Pennsylvania State University, Summer 1976.

Young Scholars Grant, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington (D.C.), 1975-1977.

National Defense Foreign Language Fellowship, Slavic and Soviet Language and Area Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 1975–1976.

Scholarship Grant, Institut d’études françaises d’Avignon, Bryn Mawr College, Summer 1973.

5.3. Principal Research Contributions

5.3.1. Most Significant Contributions

Elaboration of the policy concept of Cooperative Energy Security.

First comparative world-sociological study of international parliamentary institutions.

Formal demonstration of the logical status of complexity theory as a new mathematical “system of negation” and specification of its epistemological particularities.

Published policy study of EEC–CMEA relations, influencing decision-makers of West European policy towards the Soviet bloc countries in the late 1980s.

First academic journal article ever peer-reviewed by anonymous double-blind, treating the inter­national political economy of the Soviet bloc’s relations with the Third World.

5.3.2. Selected Other Noteworthy Accomplishments

A series of correct predictions since 1991 concerning strategic oil and gas pipeline feasibility and choices made by principal actors in Eurasian energy development.

Correct prediction, in a book chapter from 1991 (i.e., before the Soviet Union disintegrated), of Russia’s future foreign policy behaviour towards Greece and Turkey.

Correct prediction, in a refereed journal article from 1980 (i.e., five years before Gorbachev’s as­cent to power), of exactly how the Communist Party would lose domestic political hege­mony in the Soviet Union after Brezhnev’s death.

5.4. Selected Other Professional Honours

Elected as Member, International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, August 2006.

6. Research Presentations

6.1. Papers to Professional Associations

56. “A Proof Method under ‘Complex Refutability’,” 6th International Conference on Complex Systems, New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston (Mass.), 25 30 June 2006.

55. “Geopolitics of Central Asian Energy and the Structuration of the Emerging International System,” Fifth METU Conference on International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 15–17 June 2006. Publication.

54. “The Soviet ‘Recognition’ of the E.E.C. in 1971–72:  International and Domestic Determinants of Decision-Making,” Annual Conference, New England Political Science Association, Portsmouth (N.H.), 5–6 May 2006.

53. “Organizational Design and Transformation in a Complex World,” Washington Evolutionary Systems Society, Annual Capital Science Conference, Washington Academy of Sciences, National Science Foundation, Arlington (Va.), 25–26 March 2006. Publication.

52. “Is Kazakh Nationalism Soluble in Oil?:  The Hydrocarbonization of National Interest in Kazakhstan,” Eleventh Annual World Convention, Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, New York (N.Y.), 23–25 March 2006.

51. “The Paradox of Intentional Emergent Coherence: Informational Requirements for Autopoietic Development,” paper presented to the Third Conference on Foundations of In­formation Science, École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées, Paris, 4–7 July 2005. Publication.

50. “Caspian Energy Pipelines as a Complex System,” paper presented to the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Ninth World Convention of the New York, 15–17 April 2004.

49. “Complexity Science Intermediates Neorealism/Neoliberalism with Critical/World-Sys­tem Theory,” paper presented to the Annual Convention, International Studies Associa­tion, Montreal, 17–20 March 2004.

48. “Towards a Theory of Complex World Society,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting, New England Political Science Association, Philadelphia (Penna.), 6–8 November 2003.

47. “Transnational Policies for Conflict Reduction and Prevention in the South Caucasus,” pa­per presented to the Third Annual Convention, Central Eurasian Studies Society, Madison (Wisc.), 17–20 October 2002. Publication.

46. “U.S.–Russia–India Cooperation: Implications for the Turkic World,” paper presented to the 6th Annual Convention, Association for the Study of Nationalities (New York), 5–7 April 2001.

45. “Expliquer les faillites des mouvements démocratiseurs: La trahison des clercs-candidats,” paper presented to the XVIIIth World Congress, International Political Science Associa­tion (Québec, Qué.), 1–6 August 2000. Co-author. Publication.

44. “International Parliamentary Institutions: A Survey and Analysis of a New Phenomenon in ‘World Society’,” paper presented to the Annual Convention, International Studies Association, Los Angeles, 15–19 March 2000. Publication.

43. “What Complexity Science Really Means for International Relations Theory,” paper presented to the International Studies Association, Los Angeles, 15–19 March 2000. Publication.

42. “The European Parliament in Comparative International Perspective,” paper presented to the Fourth Conference of the European Sociological Association, Amsterdam, 18–21 August 1999. Publications.

41. “The Paradox of Intentional Emergent Coherence,” paper presented to the Third Colloquium on Complex Systems and the Management of Organizations, New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston (Mass.), 17–21 March 1999. Publication.

40. “Theses on the Evolution of International Systems and the Nature of the Current International Transition,” paper presented to the Second International Conference on Complex Systems, New England Complex Systems Institute, Nashua (N.H.), 25–30 October 1998. Publication.

39. “What the ‘National Interest’ Means in a Transnational ‘World Society’: Or, Groundwork for a Methodology of Constructivist-SciRealist Synthesis,” paper presented to the Third Pan-European International Relations Conference and Joint Meeting with the International Studies Association, Vienna, 16–19 September 1998.

38. “Foreign-Domestic Linkages in a ‘Newly Independent State’: The Origin And Genesis Of Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy,” paper presented to the 94th Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Boston (Mass.), 3–6 September 1998. Publication.

37. “Globalism and Collaboration in World Politics: The Proliferation of International Parliamentary Institutions and the Viability of ‘International Society’,” paper presented to the 94th Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Boston (Mass.), 3–6 September 1998. Publication.

36. “Re-examining the ‘Civic Culture’ Hypothesis,” paper presented to the 14th World Congress of Sociology, Montreal (Qué.), 25–31 July 1998.

35. “Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy from Sovereignty to the Present,” paper presented to the Third Annual Conference, Association for Study of Nationalities, New York, 25–27 April 1998. Publication.

34. “How Soviet Foreign Policy Failed to Manage Complexity,” paper presented to the First Colloquium on Complex Systems and the Management of Organizations, New England Complex Systems Institute, Toronto, 3–5 April 1998. Publication.

33. “Western Security Interests in Central Asia: Do Inter-ethnic Conflicts Matter?”, 38th Annual Congress, International Studies Association, Toronto, 19–22 March 1997. Publication.

32. “The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy as an ‘Issue Area’ in Comparative Perspective,” paper presented to the Second World Congress of European Community Studies Associations, Brussels, 19–20 September 1996.

31. “The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy in Comparative Perspective: An ‘Issue Area’ Approach to Its Relations with Eastern Europe and Central Asia,” paper presented to the Second Annual Meeting of the European Community Studies Association of Canada, Brock University, St. Catherine’s (Ont.), 6–8 June 1996.

30. “The Soviet ‘Recognition’ of the European Economic Community in the Early 1970s,” paper presented to the Second Congress of the European Social Science History Association, Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands), 19–21 May 1996.

29. “The Sources of Kazakhstani Conduct: With a Survey of Its Foreign Policy Behaviour until Mid-1994,” paper presented to the First Annual Conference, Association for Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, New York (N.Y.), 26–28 April 1996. Publication.

28. “Religion and Political ‘Modernization’ in ex-Soviet Central Asia,” paper presented to the 23rd Congress of the International Society for Sociology of Religion, Québec (Qué.), 26–30 June 1995. Publication.

27. “The Psycho-historiography of Mikhail Bakunin and the Social Psychology of Europe after Marxism-Leninism,” paper presented to the 15th World Congress, International Political Science Association, Berlin, 22–26 August 1994.

26. “The Evolution of Co-operation among Communists: Unobserved Integration among the Soviet Successor States,” paper presented to the 35th Annual Congress, International Studies Association, Washington (D.C.), 29 March – 3 April 1994.

25. “An International Relations Theory Approach to the National Interests of the Soviet Successor States,” paper presented to the 89th Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Washington (D.C.), 1–5 September 1993. Publication.

24. “Russian Foreign Policy from Empire to Commonwealth: Toward an Historical Sociology of Central Eurasian International Relations,” paper presented to the 34th Annual Congress, International Studies Association, Acapulco, 24–27 March 1993.

23. “What International Relations Theory Doesn’t Tell Us about Changes in Soviet Foreign Policy, and What Those Changes Tell Us about International Relations Theory,” paper presented to the 33rd Annual Congress, International Studies Association, Atlanta (Ga.), 13–16 March 1992.

22. “Theories of Foreign-Domestic Linkages in Soviet Politics,” paper presented to the 24th National Convention, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Miami (Fla.), 21–24 November 1991. Publications.

21. “Soviet Press Reform, Leadership Succession, and Foreign Policy,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting, Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia (Pa.), 14–16 November 1991. Publication.

20. “The Architecture of E.C. Relations with Central and Eastern Europe: ‘Common House’ or Neighbourhood Improvement?, Second Biennial Conference, European Community Studies Association [of the United States], Fairfax (Va.), 22–24 May 1991.

19. “Soviet Economic Multilateralism: Perspectives on Relations with GATT, IMF, and the World Bank,” paper presented to the 32nd Annual Congress, International Studies Association, Vancouver (B.C.), 19–23 March 1991. Publication.

18. “Reconceptualizing U.S.–Soviet Relations: The Potential of the United Nations,” paper presented to the IVth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate (U.K.), 21–26 July 1990.

17. “Bakunin and the Psychobiographers: The Anarchist as Mythical and Historical Object,” paper presented to the IVth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate (U.K.), 21–26 July 1990.

16. “L’évolution de la politique médiatique de Gorbatchev,” paper presented to the 58th Annual Congress, Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences, Québec, 16–17 May 1990. Publication.

15. “The Role of the EEC in Soviet Policy toward Western Europe,” paper presented to the 31st Annual Congress, International Studies Association, Washington (D.C.), 10–14 April 1990.

14. “East–South Relations in Global Perspective,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting, Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia (Penna.), 9–11 November 1989.

13. “L’environnement diplomatique multilatérale et la ‘nouvelle pensée politique’,” paper presented to the 21st Annual Congress, Centre québécois de relations internationales, Québec (Qué.), 28–29 September 1989. Publication.

12. “The Civic Culture Retested: Collective Crises of Political Development and the Individual Level of Analysis,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, Québec, 1–3 June 1989.

11. “The East–South/East–West Nexus: Do Communist Countries’ Relations with the Developing World Depend on Their Relations with the New World, and If So How?,” paper presented to the 30th Annual Congress, International Studies Association, London, 28 March – 1 April 1989.

10. “La ‘doctrine Reagan’ et la guerre afghane,” paper presented to the 20th Annual Congress, Centre québécois de relations internationales, Québec (Qué.), 6–7 October 1988 Publication.

09. “Does Soviet Foreign Policy Learn?,” paper presented to the Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, Anaheim (Cal.), 26–28 March 1987. Publication.

08. “Past and Future of EEC–CMEA Relations,” paper presented to the 27th Annual Convention, International Studies Association, Anaheim (Cal.), 25–29 March 1986. Publication.

07. “Reporting Foreign News and Making Foreign Policy in the Soviet Union,” paper presented to the IIIrd World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Washington (D.C.), 30 October – 4 November 1985. Publication.

06. “Arms Transfers and Military Technology Transfers in East-South Relations,” paper presented to the XIIIth World Congress, International Political Science Association, Paris, 15–20 July 1985. Publication.

05. “Political Culture, Legitimacy, and Crises of Development,” paper presented to the 80th Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Washington (D.C.), 30 August – 4 September 1984.

04. “Organizational Processes in Soviet Foreign Policy Making,” paper presented to the 25th Annual Convention, International Studies Association, Atlanta (Ga.), 22–26 March 1984. Publications.

03. “Soviet Policy Making in the 1974 Cyprus Conflict,” paper presented to the 16th National Convention, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, St. Louis (Mo.), 15–18 November 1983. Publication.

02. “On the Trail of the Elusive Policy: An Empirical Investigation of the Predictive Limits of Cognitive Mapping and How to Surpass Them,” paper presented to the Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, Florence, 24–28 March 1980. Publication.

01. “The View from the Urals: West European Integration in Soviet Perspective and Policy,” paper presented to the Paper presented to the First Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, Washington (D.C.), 23–25 March 1979. Publication.

6.2. Invited Workshops and Seminars

51. Navigating the Paradox of Intentional Emergent Coherence,” New England Complex Systems Institute, Cambridge (Mass.), 5 May 2006. Publication.

50. “The Future of European Energy,” Panel Energy in Europe, Global Dialogue on Natural Resources, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington (D.C.), 3–4 April 2006.

49. “PGA Strategic Review and Planning Document,” Strategic Review and Planning Meeting, Parliamentarians for Global Action, Boston, 17–18 October 2005.

48. “De-authoritarization in Uzbekistan?: Analysis and Prospects,” paper presented to the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Towards Social Stability and Democratic Governance in Central Eurasia: Challenges to Regional Security, International Institute for Asian Studies, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 8–11 September 2004. Publication.

47. “The OSCE’s Parliamentary Diplomacy in Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Comparative Perspective,” paper presented to the Plenary Session on the OSCE in Central Asia and the Caucasus, International Conference Multilateral Organisations in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo, 10 11 June 2004. Publication. Pre-print available (PDF, 211Kb).

46. “The Geo-Economics of Kazakhstani Oil: Key to the Caspian Energy Complex,” Luncheon Seminar, Institute of European and Russian Studies, Carleton University, 4 March 2004.

45. “The Geo-Economics of Energy Resource Development in Independent Kazakhstan,” paper presented to the Colloquium Modern Kazakhstan: Between East and West, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto, 5 December 2003.

44. “Competition for Energy Resources as a Source of Conflict in Central Asia: Comparison with Caspian and Caucasus Region,” remarks presented at the International Workshop Training in Civil Society, Pilot Program for Conflict Prevention in Central Asia, U.N. University for Peace and Central European University, Budapest, 15–16 July 2002.

43. “E.U. Enlargement and the Parliamentarization of Its Institutional Reform,” paper presented to the Workshop Identity and Representation in an Integrated Europe, Carleton University, Ottawa, May 9–10, 2002. Co-author. Publication.

42. “The Central Asian Crucible after September 11,” paper presented to the Seminar “A New Great Game”: Panel Discussion on the Geopolitics of Central Asia, Centre for Developing Area Studies, McGill University, Montreal, 18 April 2002. Publication.

41. “La Turquie entre les politiques énergétiques européenne et américaine,” paper presented to the Journées d’études La Turquie dans les politiques europeénne et américaine: Convergences, divergences et interactions, Centre d’études et de recherches internationales, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Paris, 10–11 December 2001.

40. “The ‘War on Terrorism’: Ramifications for Central Asia” paper presented to the Colloquium New World, New Europe, New Threats: NATO and the European Union in the New Millennium, American University of Paris with North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Union Institute of Security Studies, Paris, 7–8 December 2001. Publication.

39. “‘What Is Complexity Science?’: Why This Is the Wrong Question,” remarks presented at the Conference on Practice(s) of Meaning, Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence and University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht, 23–26 September 2001. Publication.

38. “The European Union’s Approach to Human Capital in Central Asia,” remarks presented to the Roundtable on Central Asia: Investing in Human Capital, Aga Khan Foundation Canada, Ottawa, 12–13 September 2001.

37. “Geo-cultural Behaviours in Contemporary Kazakhstan,” 7th Annual Conference, Central and Inner Asia Seminar and Joint Centre for Asia–Pacific Studies, University of Toronto, 4–5 May 2001. Publication.

36. “Complexity Theory and Organizational Learning,” Conference of the Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence, Boston (Mass.), 6–8 April 2001. Publication.

35. “The Caspian Conundrum: Geopolitics of Oil in the Caspian Region,” Luncheon Seminar, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto, 24 November 2000. Publication.

34. “Canada Amidst New Networks of Transnational Complexity: The Potential of International Parliamentary Institutions,” Policy Conference Canada in a Global Society, Policy Research Secretariat, Ottawa, 30 November–1 December 2000. Publication.

33. “Issues in Caspian Energy Development”, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto, 24 November 2000. Publication.

32. “What Is Cooperative Energy Security, and Why Can’t They Practice It Around the Caspian?”, Berkeley Program in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 16 November 1999.

31. “Multiple Centres of Power Roundtable,” International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 22 October 1999. Publication.

30. “Planning for the Next International System: Two Policy Initiatives,” Workshop Multiple Centres of Power Team, Project on Trends, Policy Research Initiative of the Privy Council, Victoria (B.C.), 14–15 May 1999.

29. “How to Promote Energy Co-operation around the Caspian,” Seminar on Caspian Energy, 10th Annual Crans Montana Forum, Crans Montana (Switzerland), 25–28 June 1998. Publication.

28. “Caspian Oil and Regional Development: Prerequisites for Resource Development in the Caucasus and Eurasia,” Working Group Energy Security in Asia, MIT Japan Program, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 26 February 1998. Publication.

27. “Outline of an Application of Transfinite Cardinal Arithmetic to the Game-Theoretic Analysis of International Relations,” Conference Modelling International Conflict, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Oxford University, 13–15 April 1997.

26. “Central Asia in U.S. Policy: Between Engagement and Commitment,” Conference on The New Russia and the CIS in Asia, National Bureau of Asian Research and the International Research and Exchanges Board, Washington (D.C.), 4–6 October 1995. Publication.

25. “Defining Western Interests: How Much Engagement is Practicable and How Much is Required,” International Conference The Search for Co-operative Security: Russia, the NIS and the West, Office of President of Finland and World Policy Institute (New York), Helsinki, 20–22 January 1995. Publication.

24. “Ordinal Preferences in Russian-Kazakhstani Relations,” Workshop on Social Science Theory and Post-Soviet Realities, The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 8 December 1994.

23. “Vneshniaia politika sovremennogo Kazakhstana i ego otnosheniia k vnutrennym razvitiiam” [The Foreign Policy of Contemporary Kazakhstan and Its Relations to Domestic Developments], Seminar of the Faculty of International Relations and Contemporary History, Al-Fabri Kazakhstan State University, Almaty, 3 August 1994. Publication.

22. “Towards a Behaviour Production Cycle of the National Interest,” Workshop International Relations Theory after the Cold War, Institute of International Relations, Panteois University, Athens, 27–28 May 1994.

21. “The Contribution of the European Union, Its Institutions, and Its Members to Co-operative Security for the Soviet Successor States,” Workshop Federalism and Subsidiarity in External Relations, World Conference of Associations for the Study of the European Community, Brussels, 5–6 May 1994. Publication.

20. “Kazakhstan between Russia and Asia,” Seminar on the Foreign Policies of the Soviet Successor States, The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, 18 February 1994. Publication.

19. “Western International Relations Theory and the National Interest of the Soviet Successor States,” The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, 19 May 1992. Publication.

18. “The Commonwealth of Independent States and International Relations Theory,” Center for the Study of Post-Communist Societies, University of Maryland, 3 March 1992.

17. “Soviet Reform, International Behaviour, and the Multilateral Financial Institutions,” School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, 30 October 1991. Publication.

16. “Evolving E.C. Relations with Central and Eastern Europe,” Institute for East–West Security Studies, New York, 15 May 1991.

15. “‘World Order’ and the United Nations in Soviet Foreign Policy Today,” Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington (D.C.), 15 October 1990. Published.

14. “Multilateralism and Co-operation in Soviet Policy towards International Organizations,” The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, 16 April 1990. Publication.

13. “Gorbachev’s European Policy in Perspective,” Institute for East–West Security Studies, New York, 11 May 1989.

12. “The CMEA Countries in the International Trading System,” Institute of World Economy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 6 July 1988.

11. “Soviet Security Policy and the ‘New Political Thinking’ on International Organizations,” Rand Corporation, Santa Monica (Cal.), 12 February 1988. Published.

10. “Roots of Soviet Attitudes toward International Co-operation,” School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington (D.C.), 3 February 1988.

09. “Organizational Participation in Soviet Foreign Policy Making,” Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (Mass.), 3 November 1987. Publications.

08. “Organizational Process and Soviet Foreign Policy Analysis,” Berkeley-Stanford Program in Soviet International Behavior, Stanford (Cal.), 3 March 1987. Publications.

07. “How to Analyze Soviet Foreign Policy Making,” Graduate School of International Studies, University of Miami (Fla.), 16 May 1986. Publication.

06. “The Soviet Media and Foreign Policy,” Rand/UCLA Center for the Study of Soviet International Behavior, Santa Monica (Cal.), 2 April 1986. Publication.

05. “EEC–CMEA Relations: Background and Prospects,” Center for International and Strategic Affairs, University of California at Los Angeles, 18 March 1986. Publication.

04. “Les pays socialistes et le Nouvel ordre économique international,” Centre d’économie internationale des pays socialistes, Université de Paris – I (Sorbonne), 12 January 1985.

03. “Precarious Makarios and the East Mediterranean Squeeze: The Soviet Union in the 1974 Cyprus Conflict,” The W. Averell Harriman Institute for the Advanced Study of the Soviet Union, Columbia University, 20 December 1983. Publication.

02. “Bakunin and Marx: A Hundred Years’ Perspective,” Center for Russian and East European Studies, The University of Michigan, 26 January 1977. Publication.

01. “Regional Planning Philosophies in France and the Soviet Union,” Center for Western European Studies, University of Michigan, 19 January 1977.

6.3. Selected Public Addresses

15. “The Caucasus North and South, Caspian Energy and Canadian Policy,” National Speakers’ Program, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Thunder Bay (Ont.), 18 March 2003.

14. “The New Concept of Cooperative Energy Security: A Focus for Synthesizing Environmental and Energy Agendas through Local Participation under Sustainable Development,” U.N. Headquarters, New York, 6 April 2000. Publication.

13. “Energy Resources, Human Resources, and Co-operative Energy Security,” Plenary Session on Caspian Sea Resources, Monaco Summit on Energy, Crans Montana Forum in Monaco sponsored by UNIDO, Monaco, 19–22 March 1998. Publication.

12. “Why No Oil Yet? The New ‘Great Game’ in Central Asia,” Dinner Address, MIT Club of Ottawa, 27 November 1997.

11. “Defining Western Interests: How Much Engagement is Practicable and How Much is Required,” keynote address to the International Conference The Search for Co-operative Security: Russia, the NIS and the West, Office of President of Finland and World Policy Institute (New York), Helsinki, 20–22 January 1995. Publications.

10. “La guerre russo-tchétchène,” Conférence publique, Centre de la sensibilisation au développement international, Université Laval, 30 March 1995.

09. “La Biélorussie contemporaine,” Séminaire invité, L’Association pour la simulation des Nations-Unies de l’Université Laval, 9 February 1995.

08. “Settling the Cyprus Conflict: Its Regional Context and International Significance,” remarks presented to the International Congress of the Hellenic Society of International Law and International Relations, Panteios University, Athens, 3 October 1992.

07. “Is the Soviet Union the Future of Canada?”, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington (D.C.), 3 March 1992.

06. “Will Russia and the Soviet Union Be Democratic in the Year 2000?”, International House, Columbia University, New York, 19 October 1991.

05. “La glasnost entre deux chaises: De la politique de la presse à la politique étrangère,” Colloque internationale sur le renouveau politique en Union soviétique, Québec (Qué.), 22–23 September 1988.

04. “Gorbachev through the Looking-glasnost,” Department of Political Science, University of California at Santa Barbara, 5 June 1987.

03. “The Meaning of the Reykjavik Summit,” Global Peace and Security Program, University of California, Santa Barbara, 25 October 1986.

02. “What the [1985 Reagan–Gorbachev] Geneva Summit Was About,” Luncheon Address, University Affiliates, University of California at Santa Barbara, 19 January 1986.

01. “Soviet Relations and the Brezhnev Succession,” Invited Speaker and Group Discussion Leader, Great Decisions Program, Foreign Policy Association, Tucson (Ariz.), 1984–1985. Several groups on different dates.

7. Professional, Institutional, and Public Service

7.1. Editorial Service

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Central Asia and the Caucasus, International Strategic Research Organisation, Ankara, 2005–Present.

Associate Editor, Oil, Gas and Energy Law, 2004–Present.

Member, Editorial Board, Central Eurasian Studies Review, 2001–Present; and Editor, “Perspectives” section, 2002–Present.

Member, Editorial Board, Electronic Journal of World Politics, University of Kent at Canterbury, 2000–Present.

Contributing Editor, Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien, Centre d’études et de recherches internationales, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Paris, 1998–Present.

Member, Academic Advisory Board, Turkistan-Newsletter, 1997–Present.

Member, Review Panel, Mershon International Studies Review, 1994–1999.

Manuscript, Book and Proposal Reviewer: American Political Science Review, Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien, Cambridge University Press, Canadian Foreign Policy, Canadian Slavonic Studies, Central Eurasian Studies Review, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research (Abu Dhabi), Études internationales, Foreign Policy Analysis, Global Environmental Politics, Harper & Row, International Journal, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Nationalities Papers, Policy Studies Journal, Political Psychology, Revue canadienne de science politique, Russian History, Russian Review, Slavic Review, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Soviet Union, Technology Review, Transnational Perspectives, Western Political Quarterly; various years.

7.2. Committee Service

Member, Program Committee for the Annual Convention, Central Eurasian Studies Society, 2006–Present.

Advisory Committee, The Dialogue International, Dubai (U.A.E.), 2005–Present.

Chair, Institutional Linkages Committee, Central Eurasian Studies Society, 2002–2006.

Member, Executive Board, Central Eurasian Studies Society, 2002–2005.

Member, Publications Committee, Central Eurasian Studies Society, 2001–Present.

Member, Executive Board, International Research Foundation for Development, 2001–2004.

Member, Executive Committee, and Vice-President, Research Group on Alienation Research, International Sociological Association, 1998–2002.

Member, Executive Committee, and Chair, Awards Committee, Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy Section, American Political Science Association, 1998–2000. Re-elected 1999.

Chair, Library Committee, Department of Political Science, Laval University, 1994–1996.

Member, Committee on the Interdisciplinary Concentration in Russian and Soviet Studies, Faculty of Letters, Laval University, 1989–1990.

Chair, Program Committee for the Annual Colloquium, Centre québécois de relations internationales, Laval University, 1989.

Member, Library Committee, Political Science Department, Laval University, 1988–1991.

External Referee, Tenure Review Committee, Behrend College of Pennsylvania State University (Erie, Penna.), Autumn 1983.

Member, Committee on the Upper-Division Writing Requirement, English Composition Board, College of Literature, Science and the Arts, The University of Michigan, 1980–1981.

Member, Faculty Senate Advisory Committee on Academic Affairs, The University of Michigan, 1980–1981.

Chair, Committee on Communications, Office of the President, The University of Michigan, 1978–1979.

7.3. Selected Service to the National and International Communities

Moderator, Session “Energy Security and Its Implications for Global Geopolitics and Regional Stability,” Roundtable Regional Security in Central Asia, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Toronto, 11 July 2006.

Chair, Panel A Sea of Instability: Caspian Politics and Pipelines, Global Dialogue on Natural Resources, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington (D.C.), 3 4 April 2006.

Organizational Design Specialist, International Law and Human Rights Programme, Parliamentarians for Global Action, New York, 2003–2005.

Rapporteur, “Towards a Parliamentary Assembly of the International Criminal Court?”, IInd Session of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law, New York, 12–13 September 2003.

Expert Witness on Human Rights in Central Asia, Immigration Appeals Court (New Jersey), U.S. Department of Justice, 2002–Present.

Charter Contributor, NIS Global Information Project, Eurasia Foundation, 2000–Present.

NGO Representative to the Economic and Social Council (United Nations), International Research Foundation for Development, Special Consultative Status, 2000–Present.

Regional Expert, Self-Determination Project, Interhemispheric Resource Center and Institute for Policy Studies, 2000–2002.

External Collaborator, Caucasus Task Force, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, 2000–2002.

Invited Testimony, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, House of Commons, Ottawa, 5 May 2000.

Expert, Central Eurasia Project, Open Society Institute, Soros Foundation, 1999–2001.

Member, U.S. Delegation, Forum for U.S.–Soviet Dialogue, Commission on Regional Conflict, 19th Annual Conference, Minsk, U.S.S.R., 1–15 July 1991.

Co-Chair, U.S. Delegation, Forum for U.S.–Soviet Dialogue, Commission on U.S.–Soviet Relations, 18th Annual Conference, West Point (N.Y.), 8–14 July 1990.

Member, U.S. Delegation, American Council for International Leadership, Joint Seminar on U.S.–Soviet Relations, Leningrad, 10–31 May 1987.

Contributor, “Assessment of Draft Program and Budget for 1986–1987 of UNESCO”, Report prepared for the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, 1985.

7.4. Acceptances of Invitations to Expert Participation (last three years)

Colloquium Europe–Russia Pipelines, Eurasian Pipeline Project, Caspian Studies Program, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, 10 April 2006.

Seminar Sécurité énergétique : quel rôle pour l'Europe ?, Madariaga Foundation and College of Europe, Brussels, 21 March 2006.

Conference Elections in Kazakhstan, Caspian Information Centre, The Reform Club, London, 10 March 2006.

Research Project Meeting Islam/EU, Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe, Brussels, 24 January 2006.

Seminar The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World, New Defence Agenda, Brussels, 19 January 2006.

Conference Oil and Development Dialogue, Bibliothèque Solvay, Brussels, 10 November 2005.

Seminar The Growing Importance of the European Parliament in the EU Decision Making Process, Advocacy Europe, Brussels, 9 November 2005.

Conference Corporate Governance: Strengthening Shareholders’ Rights and Modernising Company Law, Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe and Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Brussels, 8 November 2005.

Conference Risk Reduction in the Energy Sector, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, 26 October 2005.

Seminar “Islam” and the “West”: Conflict or Cohabitation?,  Madariaga Foundation and College of Europe, Brussels, 25 October 2005.

Seminar The Terrorism Challenge: New Ideas Facing in Asymmetric Organizations in Ongoing Conflicts, Harvard Club of Quebec, Montreal, 16 September 2005.

Workshop The Future of the Shifting Trans-Atlantic Defence Market: New Realities and Strategies in the US and Europe, New Defence Agenda and McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, Brussels, 26 May 2005.

Workshop Reinventing NATO: Does the Alliance Reflect the Changing Nature of Transatlantic Security?, New Defence Agenda and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Brussels, 24 May 2005.

Roundtable Defence Aspects of the NATO and EU Enlargement, New Defence Agenda, Brussels, 14 February 2005.

Workshop Towards an EU Strategy for Collective Security, New Defence Agenda and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Brussels, 3 February 2005.

Conference Energy Transit in Eurasia: Challenges and Perspectives, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, 19–20 October 2004.

Conference Transatlantic Relations: How Do We Make the U.N. and Multilateralism Effective?, The Luxembourg Group, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Smithsonian Institution, Washington (D.C.), 1314 September 2004.

Workshop Best Practices in Energy Sector Restructuring and Privatization, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, 12 May 2004.

Conference Eurasian Natural Gas: Opportunities and Risks, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, 12–13 November 2003.

7.5. Electronic and Print Media Interviews

Scores of interviews in English, French and Russian on domestic radio news and call-in shows, international short-wave radio, television and newspapers from dozens of countries including Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Iran, Netherlands, Russia, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States. Special features include regular expert commentary on Southwest Asian affairs on the nationally broadcast U.S. radio show Batchelor and Alexander during the run-up to the Second Gulf War

8. Languages

Reading, writing, speaking, understanding: English, native; French, excellent; Russian, good.

Reading: German, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Latin; some Turkish.

9. References

Available upon request.

10. Publications

10.1. Research Publications

10.1.1. Refereed Journal Articles

The Paradox of Intentional Emergent Coherence: Organization and Decision in a Complex World,” Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (in press).

The New Concept of Cooperative Energy Security:  A Focus for Synthesizing Environmental and Energy Agendas through Local Participation under Sustainable Development,” Oil, Gas & Energy Law (in press).

The OSCE’s Parliamentary Diplomacy in Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Comparative Perspective,” Studia Diplomatica (in press).

U.S.Russian Strategic-Military Relations in Central Asia,” Perspectives on Global Development and Technology (in press).

Current Problems of Global Energy Security in Light of the Caspian Sea Region's Recent Experience,” Oil, Gas & Energy Law 4, no. 1 (May 2006).

Transnational Policies for Conflict Reduction and Prevention in the South Caucasus,” Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2, nos. 3–4 (December 2003): 615–633. Reprinted in Mehdi Parvizi Amineh and Henk Houweling (eds.), Central Eurasia in Global Politics: Conflict, Security, and Development (Boston–Leiden: Brill, 2004), pp. 301–319.

The European Parliament and the EU’s Security and Defence Policy,” European Security 12, no. 2 (Summer 2003): 1–20. Principal co-author.

The Caspian Energy Conundrum,” Journal of International Affairs 56, no. 2 (Spring 2003): 89–102.

Turkey and the Geopolitics of Turkmenistan’s Natural Gas,” Review of International Affairs 1, no. 2 (Winter 2001): 20–33. Reprinted in Oil, Gas & Energy Law 3, no. 2 (June 2005).

Policy Options for Resolving Post-Soviet Ethnic Conflict,” Central Asian Survey 19, no. 3–4 (September/December 2000): 451–468.

Cooperative Energy Security in the Caspian Region: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Development?”, Global Governance 5, no. 2 (April–June 1999): 251–271.

The Complex Evolution of International Orders and the Current International Transition,” InterJournal, no. 255 (1999), reprinted in Ali Minai and Yaneer Bar-Yam (eds.), Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, vol. 2 (New York: Perseus Press, 2004), pp. 515–522.

Housing the Orphans of European Security: How to Bring Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova in from the Cold,” Euro-Atlantic Forum 1, no. 2 (Spring 1998).

Towards Cooperative Energy Security in the South Caucasus,” Caucasian Regional Studies, no. 1 (1996): 71–81. Russian translation published as “O sovmestnoi energeticheskoi bezopasnosti v Iuzhnom Kavkaze,” Kavkazskie regional’nye issledovaniia (Tbilisi), vyp. 1 (1996): 69–80.

Bringing the National Interest Back In: Lessons for Neorealism from the Former Soviet Area,” Cosmos: The Hellenic Yearbook of International Relations 1 (1995): 61–89. Reprinted in S. Brown, R.M. Cutler, M. Evangelista, R. Gilpin, J.D. Grieco, P. Ifestos, S.D. Krasner and A. Platias, International Relations Theory at a Crossroads (New York: Caratzas, 1996).

An Unpublished Source on Bakunin in 1861,” Canadian Slavonic Studies 35, nos. 1–2 (March–June 1993): 121–130.

Les mutations soviétiques: analyses et politiques occidentales,” Études internationales 21, no. 1 (March 1990): 153–164.

An Unpublished Letter from M.A. Bakunin to R. Solger,” International Review of Social History 33, no. 2 (1988): 212–217.

The Political Economy of EastSouth Military Transfers,” International Studies Quarterly 31, no. 3 (September 1987): 273–299. Principal co-author.

Harmonizing EEC–CMEA Relations: Never the Twain Shall Meet?”, International Affairs (London) 63, no. 2 (Spring 1987): 259-270. Reprinted in Paul F. Diehl (ed.), The Politics of International Organizations (Chicago: Dorsey, 1989), pp. 365–381.

Domestic and Foreign Influences on Policy Making: The Soviet Union in the 1974 Cyprus Conflict,” Soviet Studies 37, no. 1 (January 1985): 60–89.

Economic Issues in East–South Relations,” Problems of Communism 33, no. 4 (July–August 1984): 73–80.

East–South Relations at UNCTAD: Global Political Economy and the CMEA,” International Organization 37, no. 1 (Winter 1983): 121–142.

The Formation of Soviet Foreign Policy: Organizational and Cognitive Perspectives,” World Politics 34, no. 3 (April 1982): 418–436.

Decision Making and International Relations: The Cybernetic Theory Reconsidered,” Michigan Journal of Political Science 1, no. 2 (Fall 1981): 57–63.

Soviet Dissent under Khrushchev: An Analytical Study,” Comparative Politics 13, no. 1 (October 1980), 15–35.

10.1.2. Refereed Encyclopædia Articles

Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich,” in The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief, ed. Thomas Flynn (Amherst, N.Y.:  Prometheus Books, forthcoming).

Complexity Science and Knowledge-Creation in International Relations Theory,” in Institutional and Infrastructural Resources, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (Oxford: EOLSS for UNESCO, 2003), <http://www.eolss.net>.

Multiple entries in R.J. Barry Jones (ed.), Encyclopædia of International Political Economy (London: Routledge, 2001).

10.1.3. Edited Books

La politique étrangère soviétique à l’aube des années 90 (Quebec City: Centre québécois de relations internationales, 1990).

Mikhail Bakunin: From Out of the Dustbin — Bakunin’s Basic Writings, 1869–1871 (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis Publishers, 1985). Editor and translator. Reprinted as The Basic Bakunin, Great Books in Philosophy Series (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1992). Excerpts reprinted at pp. 8687, 9596, 220224, in Robert Graham (ed.), Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, vol. 1, From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE to 1939) (MontrealNew YorkLondon:  Black Rose Books, 2005).

10.1.4. Refereed Contributions To Edited Books

De-authoritarization in Uzbekistan?: Analysis and Prospects,” in Irina Morozova (ed.), Towards Social Stability and Democratic Governance in Central Eurasia: Challenges to Regional Security, NATO Science Series 49 (Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2005), pp. 120–141.

The Sources and Regions of Crisis in the Caucasus,” in N. Resat Ödün (ed.), Examination of the Regions of Crisis from the Perspectives of Turkey, NATO and the European Union, and Their Impacts on the Security of Turkey (Ankara: Turkish General Staff Printing House, 2004), pp. 105–126.

Central Asia and the West after September 11,” in Hall Gardner (ed.), NATO and the European Union: New World, New Europe, New Threats (London: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 219–231.

The Emergence of International Parliamentary Institutions: New Networks of Influence in World Society,” in Gordon S. Smith and Daniel Wolfish (eds.), Who Is Afraid of the State? Canada in a World of Multiple Centres of Power (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001), pp. 201–229.

Gorbachev as CEO Roadkill: How the Soviet Foreign Policy Establishment Failed to Manage Complexity,” in Michael Lissack and Hugh Gunz (eds.), Managing the Complex (New York: Quorum, 1999), pp. 352–370.

International Relations Theory and Soviet Conduct toward the Multilateral Global-Economic Institutions: GATT, IMF and the World Bank,” in Deborah A. Palmieri (ed.), The USSR and the World Economy (New York: Praeger, 1992), pp. 105–135.

[Russian and] Soviet Policy toward Greece and Turkey: A Systems Perspective,” in Dimitri C. Constas (ed.), The Greek-Turkish Conflict in the 1990s (London: Macmillan, 1991), pp. 183–206.

La ‘doctrine Reagan’ et la guerre afghane,” in Cutler (ed.), La politique étrangère américaine de 1980 à 1988 (Quebec City: Centre québécois de relations internationales, 1989), pp. 71–84.

[Russia's Historical Alliance Behavior:] The Soviet Union and World Order,” in Wolfram F. Hanrieder (ed.), Global Peace and Security (Boulder, Colo.: Westview , 1987), pp. 76–100.

Unifying Cognitive-Map and Operational-Code Approaches: A Theoretical Framework and an Empirical Example,” in Christer Jönsson (ed.), Cognitive Dynamics and International Politics (London: Frances Pinter, 1982), pp. 91–121.

The View from the Urals: West European Integration in Soviet Perspective,” in Werner J. Feld (ed.), Western Europe’s Global Reach (New York: Pergamon, 1980), pp. 80–109.

Trade, Aid, and International Relations,” in Paul E. Lydolph, Geography of the USSR: Topical Analysis (Elkhart Lake, Wisc.: Misty Valley Publishing, 1979), pp. 479–510. Co-author.

10.1.5. Other Contributions To Edited Books

The Sources of Kazakhstani Conduct,” in Michael Gervers and Wayne Schlepp (eds.), Populations, Cultures and Diplomacy, Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia no. 5 (Toronto: University of Toronto, Joint Centre for Asia and Pacific Studies, 2002), pp. 63–76.

U.S. Interests and ‘Cooperative Security’ in Abkhazia and Karabakh: Engagement versus Commitment?”, in Mehmet Tütüncü (ed.) The Caucasian Knot: Ethnic Conflicts in the Caucasus (Haarlem: S.O.T.A. Research Centre, 1998), pp. 132–144.

The Contribution of the European Union, Its Institutions, and Its Members to Co-operative Security for the Soviet Successor States,” in European Commission (ed.), Federalism and Subsidiarity in External Relations (Brussels: European Community Studies Association, 1994).

L’environnement diplomatique multilatérale et la ‘nouvelle pensée politique’ de Gorbatchev,” in Cutler (ed.), La politique étrangère soviétique à l’aube des années 90 [above, 1990], pp. 9–24.

Introduction,” in Cutler (ed.), Mikhail Bakunin [above, 1985], pp. 15–29.

10.1.6. Policy Research Synopses

Self-Determination Issues in Central Eurasia,” Foreign Policy in Focus, Special Report 18 (May 2002): 1–6.

Economics and Security in Central Asia,” Harvard Asia Quarterly 5, no. 1 (Winter 2001): 4–12. Reprinted in [Maria O. Pryshlak (ed.)], Issues in Central Asian Diplomacy[: Handbook Produced for the Diplomats of the Foreign Ministry of Tajikistan] (Washington, D.C.:  Georgetown University, Center for Intercultural Education and Development, 2006).

Tskhinvali (South Ossetia), Georgia: Conflict Profile,” Foreign Policy in Focus, 28 October 2001, pp. 1–4.

Georgia/Abkhazia: Conflict Profile,” Foreign Policy in Focus, 24 October 2001, pp. 1–3.

Chechnya: Conflict Profile,” Foreign Policy in Focus, 10 September 2001, pp. 1–4.

Moldova/Transdnistria: Conflict Profile,” Foreign Policy in Focus, 30 August 2001, pp. 1–3.

New Silk Road: Briefing Book on Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan (New York: EastWest Institute, 1999). 38 pp.

Kazakhstan i mezhdunarodnoe energeticheskoe razvitie” [Kazakhstan and International Energy Development], Energiia Kazakhstana 2, no. 7 (December 1999): 48–56.

A Strategy for Cooperative Energy Security,” Caspian Crossroads 3, no. 1 (Summer 1997): 23–29.

Eastern Europe: Still Out in the Cold?Emerging Markets Analyst 4, no. 3 (July 1995): 11–12.

10.1.7. Research Notes

The OSCE’s Parliamentary Diplomacy in Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Comparative Perspective,” NIASnytt–Asia Insights, 2004, No. 2 (June): 8–9.

The Complexity of Central Eurasia,” Central Eurasian Studies Review 3, no. 1 (Winter 2004): 2–3.

Russia’s Dilemma in the Caucasus: Power Politics vs. Energy Cooperation,” Analysis of Current Events 10, no. 2 (February 1998). pp. 10–11. Abridged and edited English translation of “Moskva riskuet okazat’sia izolirovannoi ot Kavkaza” [Moscow Risks Finding Itself Isolated from the Caucasus], Nezavisimaia gazeta, 16 January 1998, p. 7.

Integration Within and Without the CIS,” Analysis of Current Events 9, no. 3 (March 1997): 3, 6.

Ni démocratie ni totalitarisme,” L’Analyste, no. 31 (Autumn 1990), pp. 35–37.

Current Trends in Soviet Research on Western Europe,” European Studies Newsletter 13, no. 3 (December 1983): 10–12.

East-South Economic Relations,” Transnational Perspectives 8, no. 2 (Summer 1981): 14–16.

10.1.8. Working Papers

Press Reform and Foreign Policy in Soviet Politics,” Cahier 91–05 (Laboratoire d’études politiques et administratives, Université Laval). 36 pp.

East-South Relations in Global Perspective,” Cahier 89–05 (Laboratoire d’études politiques et administratives, Université Laval). 16 pp.

10.2. Varia

10.2.1. Published Speech

Finance Issues in Eurasian Energy Development,” in Caspian Oil and Gas Resources: Transport Routes, Security and Economic Development — Second International Conference, November 7–8, 1998 (Tehran: Institute for International Energy Studies, 1999), pp. 68–71.

10.2.2. “Op-Ed” Articles and Other Opinion Commentaries

Seeing Russia Clearly,” United Press International Outside View, 1 November 2005.

Turks, Kurds and the US–Turkish Relationship,” Asia Times Online, 29 July 2003.

Out With the US, In With the Turks,” Asia Times Online, 7 March 2003.

Turkish Parliament’s Double-Fisted Knockout,” Asia Times Online, 5 March 2003.

The Turkish Military and Northern Iraq,” Asia Times Online, 20 February 2003.

Islamic Militancy in Central Asia: What Is To Be Done? [in two parts],” Foreign Policy in Focus, March 2001, pp. 1–2; 19 October 2001, pp. 1–2.

Abkhazia Again: The UN Helicopter Shootdown,” Foreign Policy in Focus, 16 October 2001, pp. 1–2.

The Anti-Terrorist Coalition: A ‘New World Order’ Redux?” Foreign Policy in Focus, 15 October 2001, pp. 1–2.

Cozying Up to Karimov?” Foreign Policy in Focus, 4 October 2001, pp. 1–2.

What Bin Laden and Global Warming Have in Common,” Foreign Policy in Focus, 27 September 2001, pp. 1–2.

The Slovenia Summit: Bush Meets Putin,” Foreign Policy in Focus, June 2001, pp. 1–2.

The Key West Conference on Nagorno-Karabakh: Preparing Peace In the South Caucasus?” Foreign Policy in Focus, April 2001, pp. 1–2.

Just What Is ‘GUUAM’ Anyway?” Foreign Policy in Focus, March 2001, pp. 1–2.

U.S. Policy Must Be Sensitive to Ukraine’s Balancing Act,” Foreign Policy in Focus, January 2001, pp. 1–2.

The Unanticipated Consequences of Policy Blindness: Why Even Belarus Matters,” Foreign Policy in Focus, January 2001, pp. 1–2.

A First Glance at the New [U.S.] Administration’s Policy Toward Russia,” Foreign Policy in Focus, December 2000, pp. 1–2.

The West’s Irreducible Interests in Central Asia: Energy Security and Nuclear Nonproliferation,” Focus 3, no. 11 (November 1996): 1–2.

The Soviets’ New International Stance,” Sunday Los Angeles Times, 20 March 1988, Pt. V (Opinion Section), pp. 2, 6.

Can Soviet Society Live with Democracy?Sunday Los Angeles Times, 1 February 1987, Pt. V (Opinion Section), pp. 2, 6.

International Treaties vs. Private Enterprise: Is Alarm Justified?Christian Science Monitor, 8 February 1984, pp. 18-19.

10.2.3. Situational and Policy Analyses

Delhi’s Options Beyond Iran,” Asia Times Online, 28 March 2006.

Karachaganak Gas and the Future of Kazakhstan's Pipeline System,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 6, no. 18 (8 September 2004): 89.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Moves into First Gear,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 5, no. 6 (24 March 2004): 8–9.

Emerging Triangles: Russia–Kazakhstan–China,” Asia Times Online, 15 January 2004. Flagged as one of Military Week’s “Ten ‘Must-Read’ Weekly Picks.”

Kazakhstan’s Economic Promise Revisited,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 6, no. 2 (14 January 2004): 4–5.

Kazakhstan’s New Foreign Investment Law,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 5, no. 5 (26 February 2003): 3–4.

Russia Begins Oil Swaps with Iran,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 5, no. 8 (12 March 2003): 3–4.

How Deeply Will Iran Penetrate the Evolving Eurasian Energy Networks?” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 4, no. 5 (13 March 2002): 5–6.

Government Crisis in Kazakhstan: Warm-Up for the Succession to Nazarbaev?” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 25 (5 December 2001): 3–4.

The Shattering of the Sino-Russian Entente over the Shape of Central Asia?” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 24 (21 November 2001): 7–8.

U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan: Implications for Central Asia,” Global Affairs Commentary, Foreign Policy in Focus, 21 November 2001, pp. 1–2.

The Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan Pipeline: Off the Drawing-Boards and Into the Field,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 22 (24 October 2001): 3–4.

Central Asian Energy and Security in Light of the Afghanistan Crisis,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 21 (10 October 2001): 9–10.

The Caspian Pipeline Consortium Beats the Skeptics,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 18 (12 September 2001): 5–6.

Renewed Conflict in the Caspian,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 145 (13 August 2001): 4–6.

Kazakhstan’s Search for Export Pipelines,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 144 (6 August 2001): 4–6.

The ‘Blue Stream’ Gas Project: Not a Pipe-Dream Anymore,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 15 (1 August 2001): 7–8.

Did Putin Shanghai Bush?” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 14 (4 July 2001): 5–6.

Recent Developments in the Self-organizing Caspian Pipeline Network” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 134 (29 May 2001): 4–6.

Turkmenistani Natural Gas, the Key to Ukraine’s Economy?” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 133 (23 May 2001): 3–5.

Do All Roads Lead to Ashgabat?” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 131 (9 May 2001): 4–6.

The Indo-Iranian Rapprochement: Not Just Natural Gas Anymore,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 10 (9 May 2001): 9–10.

Euro-Caspian Energy and the Political Crisis in Ukraine,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 130 (2 May 2001): 2–4.

Five States (Still) Search of a Caspian Sea Legal Regime,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 9 (25 April 2001): 5–6.

Kazakhstan’s Economic Macro-regions and Energy Development,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 129 (25 April 2001): 6–8.

New Configurations around the Caspian [in four parts],” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 120 (22 February 2001): 3–5; No. 121 (28 February 2001): 5–7; No. 124 (21 March 2001): 4–6; No. 125 (28 March 2001): 3–5.

A New Energy Triangle Emerges: Iran–Armenia–Ukraine,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 3, no. 4 (14 February 2001): 9–10.

Putin’s Caspian Diplomacy,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 117 (31 January 2001): 3–5.

A Frosty New Year in the Caspian Region,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 116 (24 January 2001): 4–5.

How Shah-Deniz Is Changing The Equation [in nine parts],” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 87 (20 June 2000): 4–5; No. 90 (11 July 2000), 4–5; No. 92 (25 July 2000): 2–4; No. 93 (1 August 2000): 2–4; No. 95 (15 August 2000): 2–3; No. 96 (22 August 2000): 6–8; No. 101 (26 September 2000): 6–8; No. 111 (6 December 2000): 6–8; No. 112 (13 December 2000): 6–8.

Uzbekistan’s Foreign Policy and Its Domestic Results,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 23 (8 November 2000): 7–8.

Russia and Europe’s Energy Strategy,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 103 (11 October 2000): 4–6.

The CIS Is Dead, Long Live the CIS!” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 20 (27 September 2000): 9–10.

Developments in the Evolving Caspian Legal Regime [in two parts],” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 96 (22 August 2000): 4–6; No. 97 (29 Aug 2000): 4–6.

China’s ‘Go West’ Pipeline Projects: A ‘Great Leap Westward’?” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 17 (16 August 2000): 5–6.

Russia, Turkey and Iran: An Eternal Triangle,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 14 (5 July 2000): 9–10.

Russia Reactivates Its Caspian Policy with a New Demarcation Approach,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 13 (21 June 2000): 3–4.

Caspian Energy Pipelines: Towards a Self-organizing Network?” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 85 (7 June 2000): 2–3.

Russia and Central Asia: Playing the Turkmenistan Card,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 11 (24 May 2000): 3–4.

Ajaria’s New Federal Status: Implications for Georgia’s Territorial Integrity,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 10 (10 May 2000): 5–6.

Solving the Problem of Industrial Infrastructure [in two parts],” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 79 (25 April 2000): 4–5; No. 83 (23 May 2000): 4–5.

Russia Slouches towards Central Asia,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 8 (12 April 2000): 7–8.

Just When You Thought Baku–Ceyhan Was Dead and Buried [in seven parts],” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 55 (26 October 1999): 7–8; No. 56 (2 November 1999): 7–8; No. 58 (14 November 1999): 4–6; No. 62 (13 December 1999): 3–5; No. 64 (11 January 2000): 4–7; No. 77 (11 April 2000): 4–6; No. 80 (2 May 2000): 3–5.

Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan Untie the Caspian Gas Knot,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 6 (15 March 2000): 7–8.

Ethnic Russian Discontent Grows in Kazakhstan,” EurasiaNet, 13 March 2000.

The Trans-Caspian and Blue Stream Pipelines: Turkey’s Place in the Big Picture,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 72 (6 March 2000): 4–7.

Uzbekistan’s Trade Liberalization: Key to Central Asian Economic Integration,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 4 (16 February 2000): 3–4.

Negotiations Proceed on the Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 68 (8 February 2000): 7–8.

Ajaria, the Russian Military in Georgia and Stability in the South Caucasus,” EurasiaNet, 31 January 2000.

Azerbaijan vs. Turkmenistan: The Caspian Offshore Oil and Gas Conflict,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 2, no. 2 (19 January 2000): 5–6.

Kazakhstan’s Ethnic Mix: Recipe for a Shatterbelt in Central Eurasia,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 1, no. 3 (8 December 2000): 3–4.

Javakhetia: Flashpoint or Bottleneck?” EurasiaNet, 1  December 1999.

Instability in the Balance: The Baku–Ceyhan Pipeline,” Central Asia – Caucasus Analyst 1, no. 1 (24 November 2000): 5–6.

Kazakhstan and International Energy Development [in four parts],” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 48 (7 September 1999): 5–6; No. 51 (28 September 1999): 5–6; No. 52 (5 October 1999): 4–5; No. 54 (19 October 1999): 4–5.

AIOC Has a Problem but Not the One You Think,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 36 (15 June 1999): 2.

The Changing Nature of the Caspian Oil Game,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 34 (1 June 1999): 2.

Baku Continues at the Center of Negotiations,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 31 (11 May 1999): 3–4.

Tariff Competition in the Caucasus and a Test Case for Reform in Iran,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 29 (27 April 1999): 4–5.

Kosovo, Southwest Asia, and Caspian Energy,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 25 (30 March 1999): 7–8.

Southwest Asia and the Caspian Region,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 22 (9 March 1999): 7–8.

Transit Tariffs Come to the Fore,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 20 (23 February 1999): 2–3.

How to Orient Energy Regulation towards Economic Cooperation,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 18 (8 February 1999): 4–5.

Kazakhstan between East and West,” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 16 (26 January 1999): 4–5.

Ring in the Old, Ring in the New!” FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, No. 14 (9 January 1999): 4–5.

10.2.4. Book Reviews and Other Notes

Nearly three dozen book reviews in over two dozen journals.

Editorial Correspondence,” Comparative Politics 13, no. 2 (July 1981): 497–498.

Dr. Robert M. Cutler http://www.robertcutler.org/download/pdf/CutlerRM.academic-cv.pdf page 16 of 28